Most fibromyalgia patients suffer with chronic pain, stiffness and burning in the neck, shoulders, lower back and hips. They usually try the most common medical treatments – pain killers, muscle relaxants, antidepressant drugs, sleeping pills, etc., and in extreme cases, surgery.
The actual cause of your pain may be due to a misalignment of the Atlas or Axis (top two bones in your neck). A misalignment of these two bones can cause disturbances in nerve communication between your brain and the rest of your body. There may be a misalignment in your upper neck but you will not feel any pain because the brain, brainstem and spinal cord do not have pain receptors, so you may be expressing painful symptoms in other parts of your body. Upper Cervical chiropractic Care is a scientific procedure that restores brain to body communication without the use of drugs or surgery. If you are, as they say, sick and tired of being sick and tired, give Upper Cervical chiropractic care a try. We simply want to help you get your life back.
Although the cause of fibromyalgia is not fully understood, studies and clinical trials show that FM often develops after traumatic neck injuries. In fact, nearly 70% of fibromyalgia patients relate the start of their symptoms to a specific injury to their neck. These injuries can be caused by car accidents, sports, work, falls, or even birth trauma.
Renowned neurosurgeon Dr. Michael Rosner, states that when the neck is hyper-extended backward, the spinal canal narrows, impacting the spine and brain stem. This can occur in cases of whiplash in automobile accidents, extended dental work in which the head is bent back, or severe bouts of coughing. Even activities like painting a ceiling can cause injury to the neck that may lead to fibromyalgia.
The brainstem, which can be compared to a telephone cable with thousands of individual wires or nerve fibers sending signals between the brain and the body, controls nearly all vital functions. Misalignments in the upper cervical spine (neck) can affect the function of the brainstem, which can be a critical factor in the development of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.
Trauma or compression of the upper neck can cause the same symptoms seen in fibromyalgia or patients with CFS. These symptoms may appear immediately after the injury or several years later.
Let our doctor check to see if you have a misalignment in one of the top two bones in your neck that may be the cause of your Fibromyalgia.
Contact UsUpper Cervical chiropractors are getting exceptional results with fibromyalgia patients. Clinical trials and case studies document the improvement fibromyalgia patients are making under Upper Cervical care.
Let our doctor check to see if you have a misalignment in one of the top two bones in your neck that may be the cause of your Fibromyalgia.
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